Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mail Call........

Who wouldn't want mail to come in these little cuties! My daughter is so crafty too! When she's in the mood, as only a mother of a teenager can relate too, she'll craft with me! The difference between her and I, at times, is she'll complete a project first! LOL! This is no exception as I'm waiting for the "right thing" to finish mine but here are pictures of Breanna's mail boxes she made AND already gave to her friends! We filled them with candy and red nail polish! A girl needs red nails on Valentine's day right!

Here are the fronts;

Here are the sides;

Drop a line and let her know how she did! Maybe it'll encourage her to craft with her Mom more often!


Nardi said...

These mailboxes are so cute! I'm sure your dd's friends would have loved them espcially with added surprises inside.

Leanne said...

These are very nice. Wish I'd gotten them when I could. Oh well, I can enjoy yours instead! TFS!

Amy said...

these are super cute! Good job Breanna!

Godelieve said...

These mailboxes are so neat!! great job!